Image: ©Lindsay Siu
Congratulations to the Critical Mass 2023 Finalists!
Photolucida is happy to share the details of the Critical Mass Finalists and the Scholarship recipients! These artists will now move on to the next phase of Critical Mass to have their work viewed by 150+ international jurors and are eligible to win awards including cash project grants, one of three solo shows, possible participation in the TOP 50 group exhibition, a Maine Media Workshop scholarship, feature articles, and artist talks! Plus – everyone gets a gorgeous print (Cody Cobb) from our Print Collecting Initiative!
We’d also like to give a huge thank you to our fabulous and hard-working Pre-screening team: Allison Stewart, Brittani Taylor, Draženka Jalšić Ernečić, Elizabeth Avedon, Federico Estol, Helen Trompeteler, Julian Lucas, Lia J. Latty, Molly Roberts, Peter M. Krask, Polly Gaillard, Sarah Leen, and Tiffany Jones. Thank you for your time, talent, and insight!
Merit-based Scholarship Recipients: Ana Vallejo, Irina Shkoda, Daniel Gonçalves, Mateo Ruiz Gonzalez, and Roshni Khatri.
2023 Finalists:
Adair Freeman Rutledge
Aimee McCrory
Aleksey Kondratyev
Alexa Mazzarello
Alexandra Brodsky
Allison Hunter
Allison Plass
Amy Sacka
Andre Ramos-Woodard
Andrea Leoncavallo
Andrés De Varona
Andriana Nativio
Ania Moussawel
Anikó Antalfi
Ann Prochilo
Anna Grevenitis
Anna Ream
Anne Walker
Annie Claflin
Argus Paul Estabrook
Ariel Sosa
Arrayah Loynd
Arturo Soto
Bailey Quinlan
Barbara Diener
Barbara Jane Levine
Beth Lilly
Blake Burton
Bob Newman
Bogdan Mihai
Borja Ballbé
Brett Erickson
Bruce Myren
Caroline Gutman
Catherine Panebianco
Cathy Cone
Chantal Heijnen
Chantal Lesley
Charlotte Niel
Cheryl Medow
Chris Sorensen
Christine Lorenz
Christopher Valentine
Claire Maen
Claudia Ruiz Gustafson
Choi Young-kwi
Cyd Peroni
Dan Nelken
Daniel Jackson
Daniel Sackheim
David Clifton-Strawn
David Ellingsen
David Heberlein
David Whitmer
Deb Achak
Denise Laurinaitis
Diana Alsip
Diana Cheren Nygren
Diana Nicholette Jeon
Diane Meyer
Donna Bassin
Donna Tramontozzi
Douglas Hill
Douglas Stockdale
Edward Tsang
Elizabeth Guseman
Elizabeth Stone
Ellen Erikson
Emily Steinberger
Erin Dvorak Clark
Erin Nowak
Eva Gjaltema
Evan Allan
Francesca Mills
George Nobechi
Georgina Reskala
Gina Costa
Glenna Jennings
Goseong Choi
Grace Weston
Grant Gill
Hannah Altman
Hannah Clark
Hannah Schneider
Hans Gindlesberger
Jaclyn Cori
Jacob Herrera Wachal
Jacque Rupp
Jacqueline Walters
Jamey Stillings
Jane Lena Schulman
Jane Waggoner Deschner
Jason Hendardy
Jaume Llorens I Bach
Jee Su Kim
Jeff Larason
Jeff Schewe
Jesse Egner
Jesse Freidin
Jessica Dietz
Jim Hill
Jimmy Nicholson
Jo Fields
Jo Ann Chaus
John Prince
Joseph Bui
JP Gibson
Judi Bommarito
Judit German-Heins
Judyta Grudzien
Julia Gaisbacher
Julya Hajnoczky
Karl Bibler
Kathleen Tunnell Handel
Kathryn Rodrigues
Katie Golobic
Katie Shapiro
Kazuaki Koseki
Kevin Moore
Kris Davidson
Krista Svalbonas
Kristine Nyborg
Krysia Lukkason
Lauren Semivan and John Shimon
Laurie Freitag
Laurie Peek
Lawrence hardy
Leah Devun
Leah Schretenthaler
Linda Alterwitz
Linda Plaisted
Lindsay Godin
Lindsay Siu
Lisa Cutler
Lisa Kachajian
Lisa Murray
Loli Kantor
Loren Nelson
Lori Pond
Lou Peralta
Lynne Breitfeller
Maia Huddleston
Mariette Allen
Marina Font
Marsha Wilcox
Megan Bent
Michael Joseph
Michael Young
Michelle Robinson
Mike Lowell
Mike Ruggiero
Mitchell Brenghause
Morgan Zichettella
Mosijah Roye
Nancy Scherl
Nathan Rochefort
Nicolo Sertorio
Nolan Streitberger
Norm Diamond
Oliver Raschka
Patricia McElroy
Paul Cary Goldberg
Peter Essick
Petra Barth
Phil Lewenthal
Phillippa James
Rachel Nixon
Rashod Taylor
Rebecca L. Webb
Rob Hammer
Robin Bell
Roei Greenberg
Roxanne Huber
Ruddy Roye
Ruth Lauer-Manenti
Ruth Steinberg
Ryn Clarke
Santiago Escobar-Jaramillo
Sarah Hoskins
Sarah Knobel
Sarah Salomon
Shao-Feng Hsu
Sharon Draghi
Simone Lueck
Sissie Chang
Son Eunyoung
Stephen Goldstein
Stephen Starkman
Steve Howse
Streetmax 21
Susan Isaacson
Sylvie Redmond
Teri Darnell-Alan Chimacoff
Tracy Barbutes
Tracy Longley-Cook
Tria Giovan
Vann Powell
Vicky Stromee
Virgil Dibiase
Walter Plotnick
William Betcher
William Karl Valentine
Xuan Hui Ng
Yekaterina Gyadu
Yudai Ninomiya
Yukari Chikura
Zoe Haynes-Smith
Zac Henderson