Nick Cave once sang, “All things move toward their end.” Icebergs give the impression of doing just that, in their individual way much as humans do; they have been created of unique conditions and shaped by their environments to live a brief life in a manner solely their own….The Last Iceberg chronicles just a handful of the many thousands of icebergs that are currently headed to their end. I approach the images of icebergs as portraits of individuals, much like family photos of my ancestors. I seek a moment in their life in which they convey their unique personality, some connection to our own experience and a glimpse of their soul which endures. These images were made in both the Arctic regions of Svalbard, Greenland, Iceland and Antarctica.
– Camille Seaman
It is difficult to interpret the poignancy of Sesaman’s images. This is where the ice leaves off and some mysterious craft begins. There is a numinous and extraordinary presence in this work, the difference between nature and photography and art…we see through Camille’s eyes entities in the gloaming light.
– Paul Hawken
Hardbound, 64 pages, 29 photographs