Sanne Vils Axelsen

At my first arrival, I knew little of Zambia. I knew what Waza and Lubunga told me during evenings in our Prague apartment. They told stories of picking ripe mangos directly from the tree and going to big weddings. Otherwise the image I had in my head was comprised of...
At my first arrival, I knew little of Zambia. I knew what Waza and Lubunga told me during evenings in our Prague apartment. They told stories of picking ripe mangos directly from the tree and going to big weddings. Otherwise the image I had in my head was comprised of my imagery of poverty and safaris. What I saw and experienced was far from the picture of poverty and safaris that existed in my head and confirmed "The danger of a single storyā€¯, a matter the Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie talked about when addressing the danger of people knowing too little about a place - when we only know the people of this continent as victims instead of independent and strong individuals. With my images I work towards nuancing my prior perceptions and capture the layers of meaning I discovered in an attempt of cementing my perception of the country.
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