Geralyn Shukwit

O Tempo Não Para, Time Does Not Stop, is a long-term, ongoing photography project in Brazil. Since 2011, I have returned to families throughout Bahia exploring customs and relationships within their communities. Layering daily life and rituals to create intimate, poetic portraits that reflect their unwavering strength and character.

I am drawn to the quiet moments, traditions and the religions that bind them together. Traveling along the back roads, returning to families year after year, observing the dynamics of change and all that does not. Life moves along and my visits are often filled with a reality I hadn’t expected. This edit brings together moments from 2011 through my last visit in 2019, with each edit I try to tell a short story of time. Now, nearing on 3 years since my last visit and only receiving small updates from the girls, 2023 will be an emotional return.

Victoria, 2017

Jesus dorme debaixo da cama / Jesus sleeps under the bed, 2011

Feijões / Beans, 2011

Zelita e Niños, 2017

Tainara, meu guerreiro / Tainara, my warrior, 2019

Assombração dos Espíritos / Haunting of the Spirits, 2015

Procissão das Almas / Procession of Souls, 2015

Penitentes / Penitents, 2019

It is midnight, the rooster has already sung, 2018

Até a próxima vez / Until next time..., 2019

Victoria, 2017

Jesus dorme debaixo da cama / Jesus sleeps under the bed, 2011

Feijões / Beans, 2011

Zelita e Niños, 2017

Tainara, meu guerreiro / Tainara, my warrior, 2019

Assombração dos Espíritos / Haunting of the Spirits, 2015

Procissão das Almas / Procession of Souls, 2015

Penitentes / Penitents, 2019

It is midnight, the rooster has already sung, 2018

Até a próxima vez / Until next time..., 2019